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Any more questions?
Explore our FAQ section! Find solutions to common questions and gain clarity on the application process, requirements, and more. You can't find what you are looking for? Feel free to reach out to our team!
Can I carry out the job as part of an internship for my school/university?
You can also do internships at our holiday camps with various duration and responsibilities. Please contact us directly if you are interested in an internship specifically!
How many weeks can I work?
It is always better if you are available for longer periods. Short term stays such as one week will not give you enough time to fully integrate with the team. Minimum stays should be at least two weeks but we do prefer longer ones.
Do I have to speak the target country's language perfectly?
As our teams are international, we communicate in English. Our training sessions will be all conducted in English. If you wish to work in a camp where German is the main language spoken to the kids, a good level of German is required.
Can I work together with my girl-/boy-/friend?
Generally, we do not place friends together in one destination irrespective of their intimate relations, we do not want to have a team within our teams. We would like you to concentrate on the job and be part of the big team. You can still apply together, but please keep this in mind.
Do I need to participate in the training?
Yes. The training is very important to get to know us, the employer, your potential team colleagues and of course the job requirements. Depending on the position there are different training sessions, you’ll find all dates within the job profile. We will offer several virtual “blended learning” training sessions in correspondence with your job profile throughout the year.
How do I travel to the workplace?
That depends on the job placement and on your current address. Please be ready to make your own travel arrangements. However, we will support you with advice on the best connections etc.
How can I apply?
Please apply via the application page. This is the fastest way to pass on your details to us so we can see if you are suitable for our job positions. You just need to fill in and submit the online accommodation form and attach all the required documents. Of course you can also send us an Email with your CV: recruitment(at)
Is there going to be an interview?
Yes. However, there is no need to travel to Germany for that. We will arrange a date to talk via Zoom.
I am younger than the age specified in the profile - can I apply?
No, you need to be at least 18 years old to work in our camps. It is okay if you are not 18 years old yet at the time of your application.
Can I work in several destinations?
In general, this is possible. But please note that it takes some time to adapt to a certain job and place. Flexibility is always great. If we have vacancies according to your availability, we will try to offer more than just one place of work.
Will there be a contact person?
The Programme Organiser and our Centre Manager will always be your person of contact. In case they cannot solve your problem or if you have questions concerning your contract, please contact the Youth Travel Academy directly.
How and by whom will I be paid?
Your contract is done by the relevant partner organisation of the Youth Travel Academy so dates of pay and levels pay vary. Normally there will be a fixed date for your payment. You’ll find payment and employment conditions within the job profiles.
Do I need to have a police clearance and first aid certificate?
Our staff members need to provide a first aid certificate when starting the job. Furthermore, you will be required to provide a current police clearance certificate. Make sure you have both documents on time.
How old are the children I will supervise?
The age depends on the destination but in general, we have children between 8 and 16 years of age.
Do I get a travel allowance to and from the camp?
There is a allowance for your travel costs to and from the camp (100 €), but you will have to make your arrangements early in order to secure a cheap transfer. If you are from a non EU country, you will have to make your way to the EU on your own cost and use the allowance for the transfer from the EU to the camp.
Do I need to fulfil certain qualifications?
Please check our job profiles regarding our expectations and your qualifications. A very important one is being motivated for the job. We are looking for creative, open-minded people who like challenges. These are not lucrative jobs but you will gain a lot of experience within an international team. We are looking forward to your application. We will reply to every inquiry, so do not hesitate to apply
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